
Documents show you the files downloaded from a website that can be opened in a desktop application, like Word, Excel, Acrobat Reader, etc.

Documents are Pages that match a specified file type: like pdf, docx, xlsx.  All Documents are Pages, some Pages are Documents.

Documents are configured in the Document File Types field, in the Settings tab of each Profile's config.

If your Profile uses a log-based Tracking Method (SID, USR, IPUA, IP), make sure the contents of the Document File Types field are also listed in the Pageview File Types field.

If your Profile uses the AGF Tracking Method, make sure you're using the current version of angelfish.js - it contains the Link Tagger feature which automatically tags clicks on Documents.

Creation date: 4/18/2022 7:17 PM      Updated: 6/9/2022 7:27 PM