Profiles Overview

In Angelfish, reports are organized by Profiles.  Each Profile contains a set of reports, and the config settings for the reports.

You can create a Profile for any of your organization's websites and web-based applications. 

Common use cases include:

Typically, you create one Profile for each website or web application you want to track.  That said, it's also common to create a separate Profile when you want an isolated set of reports for something specific.  For example:
  • Pages in a subdirectory that have a content owner
  • Traffic from mobile devices only
  • Visits from North America

Once a Profile is created, it should be configured to update itself automatically via a processing schedule.

Profiles are the basic licensing element for Angelfish: each Angelfish instance has a Profile limit.  If you need more Profiles, you can purchase more at any time.


Global Admins (GAs) and Collection Managers (CMs) can create Profiles.  Click the New button in the Profile Object to launch the New Profile Wizard.  

Each Profile uses one Tracking Method, which determines the sessionization logic used during processing.  The right Tracking Method to use depends on the data in your log files.

Datasources, Filters, and Lists are important config settings for Profiles.  Here's how they work:
  • Profiles use Datasources to figure out which logs to read during processing
  • Profiles use Filters to edit or restrict the data that shows up in the reports
  • Each Profile can use one or more Datasources and Filters
  • List are used in Usage Costs reports and in Lookup Table Filters

After creating a Profile, run a processing job to see data in the reports.  We recommend using the "Update & Reprocess" Method, described here:

Help Article: Advanced Info & Tips


Profiles are intended to update themselves automatically, via a processing schedule.  Schedule options are hourly / daily / weekly / monthly / never. 

The processing schedule is configured in the Scheduling tab of each Profile.  (default = never)

A Profile's processing schedule should match the web server log rotation, e.g.: 
use a daily processing frequency for a daily log rotation.

A Profile's report data can't be edited directly, but you can make changes by deleting data and reprocessing.

Creation date: 4/18/2022 10:40 PM      Updated: 4/28/2024 4:56 PM
This category contains articles for the various config settings within each Profile.