Tracking Angelfish Usage

Creation date: 8/11/2023 9:59 AM    Updated: 8/11/2023 11:07 AM

Angelfish is a web-based application: it uses an embedded web server.  This web server creates an access log, just like all other web-based applications.

When enabled, the access log is written to ..\log\access\ under the Angelfish installation drectory.

You can process this access log in Angelfish to see who logs into Angelfish and what's being accessed.

We call this "Angelfish on Angelfish" - here's how to set it up.


  • Enable the access log
  • Create a Profile
  • Process Data & Refine

These tasks must be performed by an Angelfish Admin who can edit agf.conf.  Details for each task are below.

1) Enable the Access Log
  • Set accesslogging=1 in agf.conf
  • Save the file
  • Stop and start Angelfish
  • Login to Angelfish as any User
  • Verify the access log is present (in ..\log\access\)

2) Create a Profile
  • Create a new Profile that uses the USR Tracking Method
  • In the Hostname(s) field, use the IP address of the server or the DNS / WINS name 
  • Create a Datasource that points at the Angelfish access logs
  • Save the Profile (don't run it yet)

Optional Tasks:

To see which reports are viewed:
  • Enable the "Append Fragment to Page" checkbox in the Advanced tab

To remove Admin area traffic:
  • Create a Page-level Exclude Filter on the Page field that matches ^/api/manage/

3) Process Data & Refine
  • Click the Process Data button in the Profile's Run/Data Management tab.
  • Analyze the data in the reports
  • Add Filters & edit config settings as needed
  • Delete data & process, or use the Reprocessing Utility