Lookup Table Filters

Creation date: 4/18/2022 10:46 PM    Updated: 6/27/2022 1:01 PM
New in Angelfish v2.4, the Lookup Table Filter (LTF) is a new Filter Type which can be applied at any Level: Raw | Page | Session.

LTFs provide a way to use multiple fields with multiple values in a single Filter.  For example:

Internal GeoLocation Info
Assign location info (country, state, city, org) to all the IP address blocks in your internal network.

Username GeoLocation Info
Assign location info based on username, not IP address.

Marketing Info
Translate query parameter values in the URL into External or Internal Marketing Variables.  This lets you mask the details of your marketing initiatives, and change the MVs without updating the link!

Internal Search
Populate the Search Vertical during processing, using the Search Results Page as a condition.

LTFs use Lists for Condition & Output settings and can be applied 3 ways: Overwrite, Include, Exclude.

The first column of the List is used as the Match Pattern, and when a match is found all remaining columns in the row are used to overwrite the fields.

Include | Exclude
The first column of the List is used as the Match Pattern.  When a match is found, the include | exclude logic is applied.



This LTF assigns location info (country, state, city, org) to all the IP address blocks in your internal network.

Filter Level: Session
Action: Overwrite

List File Contents:

^10\.50\.,US,KS,overland park,northamerica-operations

Any Visit with an IP address that starts with "10.50." will have the following fields updated:
  • Country Code: US
  • State Code: KS
  • City: overland park
  • Organization: northamerica-operations

Use the GeoLocation Builder for any LTF that updates GeoLocation info:


This LTF detects query parameters in the Page and translates them into a string of External Marketing Variables (MVs).  Note how the same field is referenced twice in the #ListFields header.

Filter Level: Page
Action: Overwrite

List File Contents:
