API Field Reference: Metrics

A Metric is a calculated value, based on the requested Dimension.  The value of a Metric is always numeric.

In Angelfish, Metrics are either Visit-level or Hit-level, depending on the requested Dimension.

Visit-Level Metrics

There are 6 subsections for Visit-level Metrics:
  • Standard
  • Goals
  • Marketing
  • Page
  • Internal Search
  • Usage Costs


Metric Description
avgengagementtime totalvisittime divided by visits
bouncerate bounces divided by visits
bounces The number of Visits that only have 1 pageview.
rowcount The number of rows that contain the specified Dimension
totalvisittime The sum of the Visit durations (engagement) for all Visits in the date range.
uniquevisitors The number of unique/distinct Visitors responsible for the Visits in the date range.
visits The number of Visits in the specified timeframe.


Metric Description
convertingvisits The number of Visits that have at least one goal conversion.
goalconversionrate convertingvisits divided by visits
goalconversions The total number of goal conversions that occurred for Visits in the date range.
goalconversions:{N} The total number of goal conversion for a specific goal number that occurred for Visits in the date range. Replace {N} with the desired goal number (1-5).
goalvalues The total (sum) of goal values for all goal conversions that occurred in the date range.
goalvalues:{N} The total (sum) of goal values for a specific goal number that occurred for Visits in the date range. Replace {N} with the desired goal number (1-5).
imv_goalrate Internal MV: goal conversion rate for the specified Internal MV Dimension
imv_goals Internal MV:  the number of goals for the specified Internal MV Dimension


Metric Description
impr_ctr_ext Click Through Rate (CTR) for External Impressions
impr_ctr_int Click Through Rate (CTR) for Internal Impressions
impr_ext The number of External Impressions
impr_int The number of Internal Impressions
imv_clicks The number of clicks on Internal Impression Files, linked to the specified Internal MV Dimension
imv_unique_clicks The number of Unique Clicks (one per Visit) on the specified Internal MV Dimension


Metric Description
avgtimeonpage totaltimeonpage divided by pageviews, excluding exits
exits The number of Visits in which the Page is the Exit Page.
landings The number of Visits in which the Page is the Landing Page.
pageviews The number of times a Page is viewed during the date range.
totaltimeonpage The total (sum) view time for the Page in all Visits during the date range.
uniquepageviews The number of Visits in which the Page was viewed.


Metric Description
is_adps Avg Destinations Per Search: the number of unique Destinations per Unique Search
is_adpv Avg Destinations Per Visit: the number of unique Destinations for Visits that use Search
is_arpps Avg Results Pageviews Per Search: avg number of Results Pages viewed per Unique Search
is_arppv Avg Results Pageviews Per Visit: avg number of Results Pages viewed for Visits that use Search
is_arps Avg Refinements Per Search: shows the average number of Refinements for Unique Searches
is_arpv Avg Refinements Per Visit: shows the average number of Refinements for Visits that use Search
is_aspv Avg Searches Per Visit: shows how many Unique Searches are performed for Visits that use Search
is_avgresults Shows the average number of search results for a Search Term
is_destinations The number of Search Destination Pages viewed for any Unique Search
is_refinements The number of Unique Searches that have a Search Refinement
is_resultpageviews The number of Results Pages viewed.
is_uniquesearches The number of Unique Searches


Metric Description
activeusernames The number of Active Usernames during the selected date range.
annuallowactivityusernames The number of Known Usernames that have fewer Visits than the Annual Low Activity #.
inactiveusernames The number of Inactive Usernames during the selected date range.
monthlylowactivityusernames The number of Known Usernames that have fewer Visits than the Monthly Low Activity #.
unknownusernames The number of Unknown Usernames during the selected date range.

Hit-Level Metrics

Metric Description
hits The number of times the Dimension is seen in the logs for the date range.
kilobytes The total number of transferred kilobytes for a file.
megabytes The total number of transferred megabytes for a file.
downloadhits Downloads: the total number of times the download file was requested.
downloadmegabytes Downloads: the total number of transferred megaytes for the download file.
hbtotalhits Aggregated hit total, used by All Hostnames & All Datasources reports.
hbtotalmegabytes Aggregated megabyte total, used by All Hostnames & All Datasources reports.
ipaddresseshits Aggregated hit total, used by All IP Addresses report.
ipaddressesmegabytes Aggregated megabyte total, used by All IP Addresses report.
useragenthits Aggregated hit total, used by All User Agent & All Bot Agent reports.
useragentsmegabytes Aggregated megabyte total, used by All User Agent & All Bot Agent reports.
blhits Aggregated hit total, used by the Broken Links reports.
Creation date: 6/4/2022 5:05 PM      Updated: 6/20/2022 9:41 AM