Angelfish Definitions: Report Terms

Creation date: 4/18/2022 3:13 PM    Updated: 1/26/2023 7:34 PM
This article provides an explanation of the reporting terms used in Angelfish.

A Profile consists of a set of reports for a website, and the configuration settings for the reports. Each profile is configured with Filters, Datasources, and other settings. Typically, you will need one Profile for each website | web application you want to track.

For Admins, It’s handy to have some unused Profile capacity so you can troubleshoot issues.  Make a copy of the problem Profile and investigate the issues in the copy, then delete the copy when done.

A Hit is a single line in the web server log file. A Hit is generated each time a file is requested from the web server.

A Page is shorthand for "web page": an HTML file, requested by a URL.  Pages are configured by the Tracking Method used by the Profile, and by the "Page File Types" config setting if a log-based Tracking Method is used.

Pageview is a Metric: a Pageview is recorded when a Page is requested.  It's common for a single Pageview to generate 20 or more Hits in a log file.

Unique Views
The number of Visits in which a Dimension is viewed. For example: if a single Page is viewed three times during one Visit, the Page will show 3 Pageviews and 1 Unique View.

Time on Page
The amount of time spent viewing a Page.  When shown with Visits or Unique Pageviews, the Time on Page Metric is an average.  This Metric does not include Exit Pages or Bounce Pages.

A Visit consists of a series of Pageviews made during a period of activity: to have a Visit, there must be at least one Pageview.

A Visit ends when there is no activity for the Session Timeout setting (default = 30 minutes), when External Marketing Variables are detected, or if a Visitor clears cookies.

A Visitor is defined by a unique ID which is present across multiple Visits. This unique ID is typically stored as a cookie value but can be represented by other unique values, like Usernames. Visitors can have multiple Visits (i.e. returning visitors), but if the unique ID is deleted a new ID will be created during the next Visit. Only the AGF, UGA, and USR Tracking Methods understand the concept of a Visitor.

A Goal represents a trackable activity on your website, like a newsletter sign-up, a button click, or anything that generates a Pageview. Goals are defined in the configuration settings for each Profile. Each Goal can only be achieved once per visit, and can be triggered by a real or virtual Pageview.

A Conversion occurs when one or more of your defined Goals are achieved.  A Conversion can only happen once per Visit.

Bounce Rate
The percentage of Visits that contain only one Pageview, where the person views one Page and leaves.

Landing Page
The first Page viewed during a Visit.  Each Visit has one Landing Page.

The number of times a Page was a Landing Page. This number will be less or equal to the number of times the Page was viewed (i.e. Pageviews).

Exit Page
The last Page viewed during a Visit. Each Visit has one Exit Page.

The number of times a Page was an Exit Page.

The average visit length (or average time on site) for all Visits, excluding Visits that Bounce.  All Visits that Bounce have an Engagement of 00:00.

External Marketing Variables
A set of Dimensions used to describe marketing initiatives that bring traffic to your website | web application.  External MVs are Visit-level Dimensions, meaning there's one value per Visit.

There are 5 variables used to assign External MVs:
  • External Source
  • External Medium
  • External Campaign
  • External Variation
  • External Keyword

Internal Marketing Variables
A set of Dimensions used to describe your in-site promotions.  One Visit can interact with multiple Internal MVs.

There are 3 variables used to assign Internal MVs:
  • Internal Campaign
  • Internal Medium
  • Internal Variation

The name of the website(s) being tracked: is an example of a Hostname.

Referral Hostname
The Referral Hostname shows the actual Hostname from the referrer field in the log (if available). This Dimension is relevant when External Marketing Variables are used, as the original Hostname can be masked with a declared External Source.

Referral Page
When a Visit is referred from another Hostname, the Referral Page shows the Page that referred the Visit.

The client Browser used in the Visit.  Each Visit has one Browser & Browser Version.

The Operating System used by the client device during the Visit.  Each Visit has one Platform & Platform Version.

The Organization Name registered to the IP Address.  This field will be empty for Private IPs, but can be populated with a Filter.

Impressions are non-Page Hits that contain MV parameters.  Impressions are combined with MV Metrics to calculate a Click-Thru Rate.

Help Article: Impressions

Broken Links
Shows links that load a "Page Not Found" error after being clicked.  Broken Links require a Referrer and a 404 Status Code.

File Type
Also known as a file extension, a File Type is a 2-4 character suffix after the period at the end of a filename.  Angelfish uses File Types to determine Pages, Documents, Impressions, Hits, Downloads, and more.

Virtual Pageview
Virtual Pageviews are used to track activities that aren't tracked by default, like clicks on outbound links.  Virtual Pageviews are only used in Profiles that use the AGF Tracking Method.

Internal Search Terms

Internal Search Usage
A Visit-level Dimension that indicates if a Visit used the Internal Search function of your website | web application.

Search Results Page
A Page containing a list of results in response to a search query. Angelfish uses the Page Stem of the Search Results Page to detect search activity.
Search Term
The search terms typed into the embedded search function on the website | web application.

Search Exit Term
Search terms from Search Results Pages that are also Exit Pages. A Search Exit Term can indicate an outbound link on the results page is clicked, irrelevant search results, or a handful or other causes.

Low Results Term
Search terms where the Number of Results is less than or equal to the value of the "Low Results Limit" field from the Profile's config settings.

Refinement Term
The search term used as a refinement for a previous search. The Search Origin for a Refinement Term is always a Search Results Page.

Search Vertical
A Search Vertical is sometimes called a search category: it represents a search index focused on a specific topic, like People, Files, or News.

Search Origin
The Page viewed directly before the first Search Results Page of a Unique Search: i.e. the Page from which the search originated.

Search Destination
The Page(s) viewed by clicking a link on a Search Results Page. Each Unique Search can have zero or more Search Destinations, and each unique Destination Page is only counted once per Unique Search.

Number of Results
The number of search results returned for any Search Term. Angelfish parses this from a query parameter (if available).

Unique Search
Represents a unique combination of Search Term, Search Vertical, and Visit ID. You can only have 1 Unique Search for a Search Term in the same Vertical in the same Visit.

Results Pageviews
The number of Search Results Pages viewed for all Unique Searches in the dataset. Each Unique Search has one or more Results Pageviews.

Search Destinations
Shows the number of Search Destination Pages viewed for any Unique Search. Each Unique Search has zero or more Search Destinations.

Search Refinements
Shows the number of Unique Searches where the Search Origin is a Results Page for a different Unique Search.

Avg Results Pageviews per Search | Visit
The average number of results pages viewed per Unique Search (ARPPS), or per Visits that use Search (ARPPV).

Avg # Results
The average number of search results returned for a Search Term.

Searches per Visit
Shows the average number of Unique Searches performed for Visits that use Search

Destinations per Search | Visit
Shows the average number of Destinations per (Unique Search | Visits that use Search)

Refinements per Search|Visit
Shows the average number of Refinements for (Unique Searches | Visits that use Search)