Installation Instructions: Linux

Creation date: 4/18/2022 3:30 PM    Updated: 6/28/2023 12:24 AM
To install Angelfish on Linux, you need:
  • the installer file
  • a valid Angelfish Server ID
  • a supported 64-bit OS
  • an open TCP port above 1024
  • a role account
  • an installation directory
  • an executable /tmp/ partition



1) Create a Role Account
Angelfish processes will not run as root.  You need a separate user account to own the files / folders / processes.

We typically create an "agfs" user for this task - however you can name the user whatever you'd like.

2) Choose a TCP port
Angelfish listens for traffic on port 9000 by default, but you can use any port above 1024 or below 65356.

Ports below 1024 are privileged: only root can use them.  

3) Create the Installation Directory
Angelfish can be installed anywhere on the system.  Remember to chown the directory to the role account created in step 1.

The default path in the installer is /usr/local/agfs/ - you can change this as needed.

We don't recommend installing Angelfish on network storage, as network i/o latency negatively affects performance.

4) Download the Installer File
For Trial installations, please fill out the Trial Request form - you'll be provided with the installer and a trial Server ID.

For new installations, please open a support ticket and we'll send you the link.

We recommend storing the file in the role account's home directory. (e.g. /home/agf/)


1) Untar the Installer File
The filename ends in .tar

$ tar xvf ./agfs-linux-x86_64.22.0531.27954.tar

2) Execute the .run file
We recommend switching to the role account for this step.

The filename ends in .run

$ ./

3) Follow the Prompts
  • EULA
  • Install Type (New, Upgrade, Quit)
  • Installation Directory (default: /usr/local/agfs)
  • Data Directory (default: /usr/local/agfs/data)
  • Default Log Directory (used for Datasources & Lists)
  • TCP Port (default: 9000)

Once installation is complete, you'll be prompted to start Angelfish.  Choose Y to start.

4) Open the Angelfish UI
Open a browser and type the hostname / IP address and TCP port of the Angelfish instance.

If you can't access the login screen from a network client, make sure the Angelfish TCP port is open for inbound traffic on the Angelfish server.

OS default firewalls are a common cause of not being able to reach the Angelfish UI.

5) Enter Server ID
Paste your Server ID into the Server ID field and click the Activate button.

If your Angelfish instance is on a secure network (i.e. not able to reach our licensing server), you'll be prompted to open a support ticket to request a Manual License.

Once the Server ID and license is applied, you can login to Angelfish.

The default username / password is: 
admin / Angelfish123

Congratulations! Angelfish is now successfully installed.