Angelfish Definitions: Admin Terms
This article provides definitions for the admin terms used in Angelfish.
A Profile consists of a set of reports, and the config settings for the reports. Each Profile can be configured with Filters, Datasources, and other settings. You can create one or more Profiles for each individual website | web application you want to track.
Tracking Method
The logic Angelfish uses during processing to calculate Visits, Pages, and other report data. Each Profile uses one Tracking Method.
Help Article: Tracking Methods Overview
A Datasource lets you define the location and the Log Format of Log Files a Profile will process. Datasources can point at logs on the local server, or on remote a server (accessed via SFTP, UNC, or FTP).
Help Article: Datasources Overview
Filters are used during processing to refine or manipulate the report data added to a Profile. Angelfish has 5 Filter Types which can be applied at 3 different levels.
Help Article: Filters Overview
Collections are used to associate Profiles, Datasources, Filters, and other Objects into a group. When an Object is assigned to a Collection, it can only use other Objects in the same Collection.
Help Article: Collections Overview
Service Account
A Service Account stores authentication credentials, to be used by a Datasource or List that accesses remote data (via SFTP, UNC, or FTP).
Help Article: Service Accounts
A List lets you import data that isn't present in your log files. Lists are used Lookup Table Filters and in Usage Costs reports (as Username Lists).
Help Article: Lists Overview
List File
An ASCII text file with a #ListFields: header, used to populate a List.
Help Article: List File Field Reference
Profile Template
Profile Templates let you save & apply custom settings when you create a new Profile.
Help Article: Profile Templates
A Hit is a single line in the web server log file. A Hit is generated each time a file is requested from the web server.
Log File
When a web server receives a request for a file (a Hit), the Hit is written to a Log File. Log Files are like a history of file requests a web server receives during a timeframe. Angelfish creates reports by sessionizing the data in the Log Files.
Log Format
A web server writes each Hit to the Log File using specific fields in a specific order - this is called the log format, and each Datasource needs one. More information is available in the Log Formats KB article.
Help Article: Predefined Log Formats
Log Tracking
Enabled in all Profiles by default, Log Tracking is a feature that prevents a Profile from processing the same log twice.
Task History
The Task History screen shows the status of all Processing Jobs. "Processing Status" in Admin Home only shows a subset of all Jobs in Task History.
Angelfish Admin
An umbrella term that refers to Users with admin capabilities. Specifically: Global Admins and Collection Managers.
Admin Home
The main Page for Angelfish Admins, viewed when an Angelfish Admin logs into Angelfish.
Users are able to login to Angelfish, and the User Access Level determines the activities the User can perform.
Help Article: User Accounts
Global Admin
Global Admins can access everything in your Angelfish instance: GAs have full create / edit / view / delete permissions.
Collection Manager
Collection Managers have admin capabilities (create / edit / view / delete) for some Objects in a Collection. The most successful Angelfish customers use Collection Managers to manage Profiles, and Global Admins to manage the application.
Help Article: Collection Managers