How to Use Angelfish in Your Organization

Creation date: 4/20/2022 12:30 PM    Updated: 6/11/2024 5:41 PM
This article provides some ideas on how to use the many features of Angelfish.
Help Article: Full List of Features

Your organization uses a bunch of websites and web-based applications, both internal and external.

For each of these websites and web applications, Angelfish can help you:
  • Measure Usage
  • Identify Problems
  • Satisfy Regulations
  • Monitor Access 

Angelfish is a flexible solution that has many uses.  For example:

Understand How Your Websites & Web-Based Applications Are Used

Angelfish creates detailed web analytics reports for anything that runs on a web server and creates an access log.

Implement True Cookieless Tracking

  • Angelfish can use JS and cookies but it's not a requirement
  • When Angelfish uses cookies, it only uses first-party cookies.
  • Three of the Tracking Methods in Angelfish don't use cookies: USR, IPUA, IP.

See Visitors who block JavaScript-based Tracking (JS-based)
  • Visitors who block JS-based tracking aren't shown in web analytics reports that rely on JS.
  • These Visitors can't block their requests from the log file.
  • Create a Profile that uses a Log-based Tracking Method to see all Visitors

Maintain Data Sovereignty
  • Angelfish is self-hosted software: install Angelfish wherever you want.
  • The data Angelfish stores remains on your server unless you send it elsewhere.

Avoid Data Protection Laws: GDPR, CCPA, SCHREMS II, etc.
  • Angelfish is self-hosted software - your data remains in your environment.
  • Many data protection regulations don't apply to self-hosted software.
  • Data deletion requests are quickly & easily handled

Track Promotional Activities

Identify Ways to Reduce Costs
  • Each of your internal & external websites and web applications has a cost.
  • The Usage Costs reports help you identify opportunities for training or cost savings
  • Use the Usage Costs data to calculate the ROI for websites and web applications

Export Data to Visualization Tools
  • Angelfish has a robust API that can export data to your BI tool of choice.
  • Tableau, PowerBI, QlikView, Excel, and more

Client / Network Device Audits
  • See which devices access sites on your network, including mobile devices.
  • Cross-device tracking is natively supported in USR

Compliance Audits
  • Angelfish measures usage of your websites & web applications, both internal and external.

Website Forensic Analysis
  • Process historical logs from any website or web application
  • Identify internal access violations
  • See who accessed which file, from which location, and when.

Identify & Resolve Site Errors
  • Fix Broken Links
  • See server & file errors that go unreported by end users

There are many ways to use Angelfish.  Whichever ways you choose, the most crucial thing you can do to ensure success is to:

Establish an Angelfish Admin Team

Angelfish is a self-hosted software package.  To have a successful Angelfish implementation, you should have an Admin Team, i.e. a group of people that "own" the application.

An Angelfish Admin Team consists of:
  • One or more Global Admins to manage the technical aspects
  • One or more Collection Managers to manage the reports (Profiles)

Small environments (fewer than 10 Profiles) can operate successfully with an Admin Team of one or two Global Admins.  

In larger environments, Collection Managers are key.  You'll want at least one Collection Manager for each Collection.

The best candidates for Collection Managers are business users who have ownership in the websites & web applications tracked by Angelfish.

Help Article: Admin Essentials
Help Article: Collection Managers


Please send us your questions in a new support ticket.

If you'd like to interact with an Angelfish expert, our consulting team can assist with
  • implementation
  • data export & dashboard integration
  • training
  • custom development
  • any Angelfish-related project